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Great Expectations for 2018

This year has been a fabulous year!  I have jumped large hurdles this year in my business.  Never thought I would be here so fast but I can't take all the credit.  Early in the year, I was face with a situation that I didn't see coming that forced me to look for work.   I have always wanted to work full time with Wright Touch but just couldn't see how I would get retaining client that could sustain my business.   So you see, I didn't intentionally decided to be a full time business owner, but adversity pushed me into it.  Why do I say adversity?  I'm glad you asked, because I don't think I would have move without it.  I know that sounds crazy from the motivational blogger.  That's why I'm taking time right now to be very transparent with you to let you know that when you're faced with road blocks in your life.  They could possibly be a blessing in disguise.  

As we go into 2018, I want to encourage you to set your goals higher than 2017.  Create 5 short term doable task to complete within the first quarter of 2018.  Then afterward, create 5 more task.  Before you know it, you will reach your goal.   Don't be forced into starting your business or writing that book.  Take the first step and keep moving.   

Happy New Year from the Wright Touch Marketing & Design team.

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